
Thank you for visiting my portfolio site.  I am an English and Psychology teacher at Cedar Springs High School. I love designing creative curriculum to engage my students. I am active in the school community and am passionate about being a Red Hawk.

My favorite part about being a teacher of high school aged students, is the honest conversation about their thoughts and their perspectives as I work to shape and mold the young men and women they are. I am constantly working on how to equip my students to become successful individuals, no matter what they choose to be in their individual futures.

I am a graduate student at Michigan State University in the Masters of Educational Technology (MAET) program.  This has been an amazing program where I have learned to integrate technology into my classroom and use various methods of teaching to help the maximum amount of students gain knowledge.  The program has encouraged me to use technology in a way that I never have before, create lessons using technology, and it has given me confidence in who I am as a teacher.  I hope the content in my portfolio can show you how much I have grown, how much I want to continue to grow, and how much growing I can still do.

My online portfolio contains information about me, my resume, my coursework of the MAET program, descriptions of my Master’s courses, a showcase of my work, my personal essays, information about my classroom and areas of interest as a teacher, learner, and researcher.  I hope that you take time to review it and learn about my passion for teaching and learning.

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